Friday, February 2, 2007

Attention: Prof. Yunus, please read this…

Not a scholar's job
I read the news on Professor Yunus that if circumstances push him he might join politics (01 Feb, 2007). I, however, don't believe that he should ever be pushed, or forced by anyone, into politics. Prof. Yunus is a scholar, a Nobel laureate, why should he be involved in politics?
Why should he take the dirt? Every political group in this world, check out history if you don't believe me, has both shares of success and failure on different issues. Do you disagree? Of course you don't. So I don't think, after all he had done, this great man should be pushed into anything that might make him controversial in the near future.
Why do you think God has put brain inside the head, well protected, instead of putting it outside? The hand and the legs do the work, the brain instructs. Prof. Yunus is our brain; let others do the work.
It has been proved that there are many capable people in this country to steer us onto the right track. Aren't our present chief advisor and other advisors an example?
I agreed with Prof. Yunus, when he said, "Clean people must take part in the elections even if it takes time to ensure that. Otherwise, the same problem will crop up again. Now we have a chance of a lifetime to cleanse our politics."
And so my point is, there are many honest, clean, efficient people in this country who are interested in politics; they could be convinced to get into politics.
Prof. Yunus could be a permanent adviser to help any elected government. Any government can take advice from him and his board, but why make him take this huge responsibility?
Prof. Yunus, whoever is pressurizing you to take the responsibility of becoming a politician is not being rational. Please think twice about it.