Wednesday, July 4, 2007


Sometimes I wonder

Am I like a moon?

My mood as you see

Is sometime shiny

And sometime blue

You look at me from a distance

I seem nice?

But as you come closer and closer

You would see all the flaws within

I take deep breath...

It's sad though

With all the love that I have got...

I hide my self behind the fake thick curtain

Showing different shapes

At different times

AS I glow...

I smile and love

And then I disappers

You won't find the person you had loved

with affection and care

I seem nice

From far you see

But as you come close to me

you would see all the flaws within

I am a moon you see

I shine on your light

and act like it is mine!

I hide behind the thick thick curtain

Taking different shapes

You would see the different sides of me at times

Yet you would still love me

And write poems about me

and compare me with your love